Thursday, December 10, 2020

Mercy and Truth Have Met Together

Mercy and truth have met together; *
righteousness and peace have kissed each other.

I committed an offense. It wasn't intentional. I shot my mouth off, actually intending to be supportive. But my words were not thoughtfully chosen and they had the opposite effect. The relationship is ruptured.

And my heart is heavy.

My heart is heavy for my carelessness. And, truth be told, I am feeling a bit aggrieved myself, for having been quickly judged and not given an opportunity to make my apology. I could nurture that sense of being aggrieved, turn myself into the victim here. But that way lies neither righteousness nor peace.

Mercy, what a gift that would be! If I could be shown mercy by the person I offended. If I could show mercy for the state of the person who was quick to take offence. If I could show mercy to myself, and having made what amends I could, move on.

The ancient Egyptians believed that at death, a person's heart was weighed against a feather. Light hearts entered heaven. Heavy hearts were eaten by Ammat, the consumer of souls.

Mercy yields a lighter heart.

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