Sunday, June 25, 2017

Windows - Let the Light Shine

In the Name of Jesus.  Amen.

Anyone got dandelions?  I remember as a child that delight of holding a dandelion that has gone to seed.  You make a wish and then you blow.  Whether or not my wish ever came true, the seeds scattered to make new dandelions.  What power there is in a dandelion!

I think of Pentecost as a dandelion.  All that potential in the Upper Room after the Resurrection.  Then a mighty wind bursts it open and the Gospel, carried by the disciples, blows to the corners of the earth.

2000 years later, here we are, the Gospel, planted in Prineville. The long green season after Pentecost invites us to become disciples ourselves, to grow, and once again to carry the Gospel.

Once a week we gather in this place to learn how to do that, to examine the Scripture, take stock of our potential, and once again to pledge our lives to Christ.

I don’t know about you, but every once in a while, whatever the words are that fill this place, at some point my eyes are drawn to the building itself.  During the Holy, holy, holy, I look to the rafters.  During the lessons, I look to the windows.  They are not a distraction.  They are here for that purpose.  The long tradition of church windows is to preach the Gospel in picture form.